Bend Headquarters



Go! LEAD: 2024-2025 Applications Now Open!

Go-LEAD employs young people ages 16-22 with diverse abilities who have been to Camp LEAD (or are interested in attending).This is a fun opportunity to engage in year round programming focused on job training and environmental education. Participants are paid to help maintain public recreation areas & learn about outdoor related careers. 

Go!-LEAD provides the opportunity for young people to build their confidence, learn new job skills, and earn wages while helping improve public lands throughout Central Oregon. This is a supportive and fun environment for participants to reconnect with existing friends, while also forging new connections with peers they have yet to meet.


Who? Young Adults with Disabilities Ages 16-22 who have attened Camp LEAD or are intrested in Camp LEAD

What?  Participants are paid- $15.50/hour to attened monthly work project days on public lands 

When?   One meet-up on a Saturday each month: December 2024- March 2025. Time: 8am- 4:30pm (8-Hour Day) 

Where?  Project work days begin at Heart of Oregon Corps Redmond Training Center- 835 E. Hwy 126 Building #4, Redmond, OR 97756. Transportaion is avalable from Bend and Prineville, Oregon. 

No resumes or interviews required, simply apply here!

2024-2025 Go! LEAD Project Days

January 2024

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